The theme for the 2019 International Woman’s Day (IWD2019) is “Balance for Better”.  The theme is aimed at building a gender-balance world.

MORe is a woman led company with a sincere desire to help uplift people through “democratizing” (make accessible to everyone) housing and building a Canada where all people feel cared for.  On this day, #IWD2019,  we take note of the opportunity for the world of Architecture to help build a gender balanced world through uplifting of women and children in need of affordable housing.

According to Canadian Women’s Foundation (, more than 1.9 million women in Canada live on a low income.  Further, women are more likely to be poor for two main reasons, one is they spend more time doing unpaid work, leaving less time for paid work.  Statics show that more than 235,000 Canadians experience homelessness annually, costing the economy $7 billion.

In 2018, “Reaching Home”, Canada’s first-ever National Housing Strategy—a 10-year $40-billion plan was approved.

MORe cares deeply about creating housing options for people and contributing to ending homelessness.  We seek to design and build communities, not just houses or apartments.  We want to be “change-makers” who work to build communities that support the integration of people from all walks of life and all income levels.  MORe wants to design housing that provides fair access to the housing market for all people.  In a country as wonderful as Canada, we believe no-one should be left behind.

Through the design and construction of new, affordable, safe, energy efficient housing MORe is doing our part, in this big space, to help build a gender-balanced world.